Thursday, February 14, 2013

.. so, VALENTINES DAY huh?

I woke up today seeing that everyone's post on Instagram are all hearts and flowers, glitter and sparkles and .. puppy dog eyes!? .. Now, I'm confused! o_O

Ohhhhhhhh! I get it .. I get it .. 

It's Valentines day? Is it? .. Oh! Rigggggghhhhhhhttttt!

Um .. So? .. What now?

Hahahaha! I'm sorry, my bad! I'm acting too grumpy again .. of all days!?  (kunwari hindi ko talaga sinasadya, hahaha). 

Nah! Grumpiness (and bitterness) aside because I sure am not both, I am full of love today! Yeah! I have never been too giddy about this day ever since the world began but my cheesiness always gets in the way and has days like this covered. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any V-day trauma from the past. In fact, they mostly resulted in "awwww" and I've always felt the loooooove .. but I don't really understand why It doesn't feel like Christmas (which BTW is the most wonderful time of the year! and that's when I'm giddy all over!) ?! -- Well, I guess it's not you, it's me *sigh* .. 

Anyhoo. Valentines day is .. Valentines day! It's about hearts and flowers, glitter and sparkles and .. well, i'm not really sure about the puppy dog eyes though .. hmmm? .. It's a celebration of LOVE -- whatever, however, whoever it may be! No one should be excluded or felt left out because we are all human beings here capable of loving and being loved .. as they say, all is fair in LOVE and .. LOVE! 

And as the last line to that very inspiring bible verse about love says, "In the end three things remain -- faith, hope, love .. and the greatest of all is LOVE!" 

See! It's LOVE or nothing! 

And in my tribute to everything LOVE-ish and since I think everyone deserves to have a happier heart this day (and always of course!) .. here are random valentine's day humor and cheesiness that I stumbled upon. 

Enjoy reading you guys. Feel good today, have a happier heart and allow that heart of yours to flutter and skip a beat! 



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Sources: Google Images | Tumblr | Pinterest

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